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Wednesday, June 30, 2010

for my siblings

Today my 4 and 5 year old foster kids inspired me to tell my siblings what I always think about them and never say.

Just wanted to say I love you.

Luke, I love the way that you listen properly, that you have an enthusiastic positive response for whatever dribble I am talking. I love the way you are raising your kids, that you care about their character and you want to be a present father. I love the way that you are always purposeful, that you always have a plan. That your actions are intentional. I admire that so much. I love the way that you love music, and that you are pursuing it for no other reason than that it is part of you and it makes you happy. I love the way your voice resounds(hehehe) and I love how very domesticated you are (especially seeing as I used to have to iron your shirts for school) I am so thankful that I got to live with you as an adult. It is a rare thing for siblings to get to do. I am so proud of the man that you are.

James, I love your charisma. I love that you are so interesting and that you can lead a conversation, and a room. I love it that you are geniune in your responses to people. You are so infectious. I love your sincerity and your tender heart. I am so proud of your acheivements. I feel so honoured that we have shared this quirky cultural experience, so many of my identity forming memories have you in them. I will always be so thankful that you were the one person that said 'Congratulations' to me when we spoke about Blayke! I love your thought processes. I am so proud to have you as a brother, and thankful that I have you as a role model for my sons.

Emma, I love the loyalty of your friendship. I love that you are my biggest cheerleader and my solidest friend. I love that you are fierce and passionate about our family. I love watching you parent your amazing children, that we share a similar value base. I am so thankful that we have been able to share getting married,and babies, and theories and church and everything. I love it that youre a kicking singer, and that no one can do alto like you from up the front. I love the way that when faced with trauma you become the anchor for everyone and anyone around you. I love it that I know that I can come to you. I love the way that you get me and my motivations. I am so proud to call you a friend. I am so previlidged to have you in my life.

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